Distribution Company MV Eesti Surge: Introduces New Brands, Increases Turnover and Expands the Team

Distribution Company MV Eesti Surge: Introduces New Brands, Increases Turnover and Expands the Team

MV Eesti, a member of the international corporate group MV GROUP, has managed to achieve good business results, even despite the pandemic, and is now actively looking for new members to join its team to achieve this year’s ambitious goals.

The turnover of the Estonian distribution company MV Eesti, excluding excise duties, increased by as much as 11 percent in just five months of this year. Aleksei Otkidatš, the head of the company, hopes that the targeted solutions and the gained acceleration will allow him to continue to achieve even better business results – MV Eesti plans to grow by 20% this year.

In 2020, the company’s turnover excluding excise duty amounted to EUR 4.38 million and was 18% higher than in 2019. Last year, MV Eesti paid more than EUR 4.9 million in various taxes to the state. This is 24 percent more than in previous years.

“We have been operating in the Estonian market for 13 years, but the last few years have been marked by consistent, rapid growth in all areas, including not only the brand basket, competencies or human resources, but also business results. We have a great team of professionals who work together and help each other to achieve high goals. We are actively developing partnerships and constantly introducing new products to the market that enrich the consumer experience” says Aleksei Otkidatš, CEO of MV Eesti.

According to the CEO, the fact that MV Eesti is a part of the international corporate group MV GROUP also has a significant impact on the company’s efficiency. In total, the group manages seven companies operating in the three Baltic States and Poland in different sectors – manufacturing, distribution, logistics and retail. Synergies between companies ensure close cooperation, stability and the exchange of competencies.

“MV GROUP has almost 30 years of experience in the distribution business. It is one of the largest corporate groups in the Baltic States, whose business indicators continue to grow significantly every year. For example, in 2020 alone, the group’s sales revenue grew by 11 percent, while sales revenue from export markets – close to 30 percent. Being part of MV GROUP also means for us the resources of expertise and experience, ensures the company’s stability” says Otkidatš.

Introduced new products

Among the products just introduced to the Estonian market is rum Diplomatico, which is one of the best rated drinks in this category in the world. Otkidatš hopes that the distribution rights of Diplomatico acquired by MV Eesti in Estonia will allow people who appreciate exclusive drinks to discover the taste of this drink.

Otkidatš also calls Voruta Sparkling Wine, a sparkling fruit wine with a light and fresh taste suitable for summer, a major novelty in the Estonian market. The renewed Gubernija beer products are also gaining more vigor alongside the old brewing traditions that characterize this brand. New “MIX Ready to Drink” cocktails and other products are discovering a niche in Estonia, especially in summer.

In total, the company currently represents more than 50 different brands. Many of them are well-known to their customers, but MV Eesti continues to invest purposefully in increasing product visibility, advertising and greater distribution opportunities. For example, the company plans to significantlyincrease its market share in wine and sparkling wine in next three years..

Expands market share

Strong beverages are no exception, for which the growth of results is also visible this year. The products represented by MV Eesti occupy a strong position in the vodka and brandy categories, where they are gradually expanding their market share. In the whiskey category, the market share of the company’s products grew from 6.1 to 8.8 percent during the first quarter of this year, vodka from 2.2 to 3.2 percent, and brandy from 6 to 7.3 percent.

Otkidatš notes that Imperial XII was the fastest growing brandy in terms of market share last year, reaching an annual jump of 1.3 percent and now occupying 7.3 percent of the market in its category. significant achievement.

Invest in colleagues

According to Otkidatš, the rapid growth shows that the team is coping well with new challenges and is improving. In addition, special attention has recently been paid to ensuring the well-being of the employees of the entire group of companies – investments in their development, engagement, fostering the internal culture of the group and implementation of business management systems.

“We are a constantly learning organization, therefore this year we introduced a training project “MV GROUP Academy” to promote and ensure the development of employees within the group, which reminds of a group’s internal “university”. During the implementation of the project, we will organize different trainings for colleagues, aimed at raising competencies and expanding their knowledge. To make employees even more involved, we invest in internal research. For example, a recent employee survey showed that team members feel satisfied working for MV Eesti. Finally, business results are inseparable from the internal culture of the group, so this year we will pay increased attention to growing and nurturing it” says Otkidatš.

MV Eesti is currently actively expanding its team of colleagues and invites a brand manager and a sales supervisor to join.

“I have no doubt that we will help our new colleagues to reach their real potential and implement ambitious visions. We constantly share our experience with colleagues in Lithuania, Poland and Latvia, so we evaluate the Estonian market as international experts, but at the same time we can flexibly apply innovative practices and freely develop our ideas” says Otkidatš, CEO of MV Eesti.

The head of MV Eesti sees particularly great opportunities in the recovering HoReCa sector, in which this year they plan to increase the number of partners at least two times.MV Eesti is a part of the internationally operating corporate group MV GROUP, which operates in the production, distribution, trade and logistics of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The group operates in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland. MV Eesti has been operating in the country since 2008.