Alita Has a New Production Manager

Alita Has a New Production Manager

The Alita factory managed by MV GROUP Production has a new production manager – Viktoras Mostovojus took up the position on August 24.

Mostovojus work experience is close to 20 years. For the last three years, he has held the position of process manager in the international “Nemuno banga” corporate group, as well as the position of food safety process manager in the subordinate production company “NB eco”.

“Mostovojus brings a wide range of experience gained in different areas of activity to the Alita factory. This includes not only developing new products, ensuring product quality and organizing smooth production processes, but also organizing and managing different internal processes of companies, as well as promoting employee motivation and involvement. Alita is our largest factory, which produces a significant part of all M GROUP Production products, which are available not only in Lithuania, but also exported to different countries of the world, including distant, exotic markets. Therefore, we believe that together with the team, the new manager will not only achieve the goals set for the plant but will also make a significant contribution to the success of the entire company” says Algirdas Čiburys, CEO of MV GROUP Production.

According to Mostovojus, the decision to join the Alita team was determined by the modern attitude of the factory managers and the team, as well as ambitious goals.

“The progress, innovation and perfectionism of MV GROUP Production and Alita are reflected in the factory’s activities, team achievements and, of course, in the production – consumers are constantly introduced to exceptional quality product novelties, which entrench in Lithuania and abroad. It is a factory that cherishes decades-long traditions and sets the highest bar for itself” says Mostovojus.

Among his most important goals after taking the position of Alita’s production manager, Mostovojus mentions not only the improvement of technical aspects of production – increasing productivity, process optimization and innovations, but also the increased attention for factory employees.

“One of the main goals of operating in the field of production is to ensure the safety and health of employees, as well as the coherence of the team. For me personally, it is important that colleagues are proud of their work, feel involved and responsible, their all needs are met – all this has a significant impact not only on employee motivation, but also on work productivity, quality of products and business results” says Mostovojus. In total, the team led by Mostovojus has over 180 experts and specialists. Among the responsibilities of Alita’s production manager are increasing the plant’s competitiveness in the market, applying innovations and technologies, creating product novelties, and consistently growing specialists who are working in the plant.